A reducer is a key element of any LPG system. The reducer’s task is to change the state of aggregation of LPG from the liquid to the volatile phase and to reduce and maintain the preset gas pressure at the output regardless of the current engine load. Single-stage EG SUPREMO reducer is one of the most innovative solutions available on the LPG system market, designed for all cars with engines up to 270 HP. The use of the Cut-Off Block System eliminates the effect of gas pressure overload during engine braking. Heating of the filter chamber ensures stable thermal characteristics of the reducer and partial evaporation of gas already in the filter chamber. This increases the efficiency and pressure stability of the reducer.

Owing to the design developed in our research department, the reducer ensures the right gas temperature, even at extremely low ambient temperatures, which is confirmed by the results of approval tests, and rotary connection elbows enable easy installation in any car.

  • Reduktor LPG zintegrowany z elektrozaworem.
  • Podgrzewanie fazy ciekłej LPG.
  • Podgrzewanie komory filtra.
  • Uniwersalny wkład filtrujący.
  • Zakres ciśnienia roboczego: 0,9 – 1,3 bara.
  • Wejście gazu ø8 gwint M12x1.
  • Króciec wyjścia gazu ø16.
  • Króciec ciśnienia kolektora dolotowego ø4.
  • Króćce płynu podgrzewającego ø16.
  • Obrotowe króćce przyłączeniowe.
  • Wkręcany czujnik temperatury 4k7, gwint M6.
  • Obudowa z ciśnieniowego odlewu aluminiowego.
  • Temperatura pracy: od -40°C do +120ºC.